Going Eco at The Pyjama House

by | May 1, 2022 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

Ground mounted solar @thepyjamahouse

The early part of 2022 has seen The Pyjama House really inspired and motivated to do everything we can to reduce our global footprint. Our big new development, completed in February 2022 is in Solar Power.

Slow Fashion

We already are a “slow fashion” brand, having just one delivery of cotton fabrics from India (designed in-house by Yours Truly) arriving by ship each year.  Our cottons are sourced from Fairtrade suppliers and our delivery takes 6 weeks to cross from India.  Many retailers fly their deliveries to the UK in small quantities.  By utilising a full container each time, but only once a year, we can substantially reduce our costs (to your benefit) and the amount of carbon dioxide used during transportation.

Solar Powered Office and Warehouse.. and car too

Our problem at the home base in North Yorkshire is that we run The Pyjama House from a draughty old farmhouse.  Gradually we have installed home improvements such as additional insulation and double glazing, but this year we have gone one huge step further.  We have massively reduced our dependence on oil (it is still there in case of emergencies but we no longer use it on a regular basis), and we have switched over to electric.  Then we have installed gound mounted solar panels – as a listed building with pantile roof, roof solar was not an option – and a big battery.

Andrew Duffin from Light GGround mounted solar @thepyjamahouseroup Holdings was the provider and the installation cost about £15k.  We also switched our 4 door aga (which is in my kitchen and also heats the office) to electric, at a cost of around £2k.  And the final peice in the solar jigsaw arrived this week.. an EV Peugeot to ferry pyjamas to the post office every day. I do bicycle if I can but the volumes ordered usually prohibit this.  An EV is a much better option than my smelly old diesel Golf.

New EV car for ferrying pyjamas to the post office

So, in summary, We can now firmly commit to the promise that the office, the transport to the post office and the warehouse heating are all 100% renewable.. your pjs are sent to you by the power of sunshine!

We do recommend that you look at Andy’s company and consider doing the same at your office or home.. with spiralling fuel costs it doesn’t just make sense for the planet but may well benefit your pocket too.



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